A new Training Hotspot is coming along and this time it goes live from Ancona (Italy), organized by TrainArt’s leading partner Consorzio Marche Spettacolo.

From 1st to 5th February, To The TrainHEART – A TRAINART’s focus on core skills for CCIs will reunite Field A (New management models for cultural spaces) and Field B (Artistic interventions in non-conventional contexts) for a training that involves each field’s core skills for competitiveness in the cultural and creative sector.

The first two days (1st and 2nd Feb) will provide insights on Field A, covering the topics of revenue streams, functions and governance.

The following two days (3rd and 4th Feb) will offer an overview of examples in Field B for public and private commissions. The topics touched will be urban regeneration, social inclusion and artistic interventions in companies.

The last day (5th Feb) gathers all the beneficiaries, both from field A and B, and will be divided into an open-to-all section in the morning, where everyone interested can join, and a workshop in the afternoon, organized exclusively for TrainArt’s beneficiaries, where discussions will be directed towards building a solid baseline for the future pilot actions expected by the project.

Check out the event here

Download the Background Paper here

The entire event (from 1st to 5th February) will be recorded and published as PODCASTS on our Spreaker account for everyone to access. Keep following us to get access!


The schedule of the 5-day event will be as follows:

DAY 1 

1st February 2021

Field A – New management models for cultural spaces

10.00 Meet and greet!, Schedule of the day 

Learning from mentors

10.30 The Physiognomy of the New Cultural Centres in Italy” by Bertram Niessen, director of cheFare, agency for cultural transformation + Q&A session

11.15 Break

11.30 Teatro Ringhiera (Milan): an Integrated Theatre for a Cultural Regeneration Project” by Giulia D’Antonio, collaborator Research Area of KCity – rigenerazione urbana + Q&A session

12.15 Break

Learning from peers from the field

12.30 Expertise “Made in Marche” presented by innovative cultural centres: challenges and innovation regarding the three main topics of study for Field A, meaning revenue streams, governance, functions

+ Q&A session

13.30/13.45 Final greetings. See you tomorrow!



2nd February 2021

Field A – New management models for cultural spaces

10.00 Meet and greet!, Schedule of the day

10.15 WARM UP!

10.45 Innovating a Cultural Organization’s Business Model Starting From the Analysis of the Public: the Design Thinking Process” by Patrizia Braga, Head of the Participation and Development Area of Melting Pro + Q&A session

11.45 Break

12.00 The Sustainability of Cultural and Creative Spaces” by Damiano Aliprandi, Manager of the Research and Consultancy Area at Fondazione Fitzcarraldo + Q&A session

13.00 Final greetings.  



3rd February 2021

Field B – Artistic interventions in non-conventional contexts

10.00 Meet and greet!, Introduction topic of the day: artistic interventions for private commissionaires

Learning from mentors (part 1)

10.30 Innovating the Business With Art: a Method by Fondazione Ermanno Casoli” by Chiara Paolino, co-author of the book Innovare l’impresa con l’arte+ Q&A session

11.15 Break

Learning from peers from the field

11.30 Bringing Empathy in a Business With “E.N.J.O.Y.! – Empathy to Narrate a Job: an Occasion for You!” by Isabella Carloni, actress/author and artistic director of Associazione Rovine Circolari + Q&A session

12.15 Break

Learning from mentors (part 2) 

12.30 The Project “Coreografie d’Impresa” (ENG: “Business Choreographies”) by Professor Monica Calcagno, Department of Management at Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice + Q&A session

13.15 Final greetings. See you tomorrow!



4th February 2021

Field B – Artistic interventions in non-conventional contexts

10.00 Meet and greet!, Introduction topic of the day: artistic interventions for public commissionaires

10.15 WARM UP!

Learning from mentors 

10.45 Performing Arts and Community Building: the Experience of Cantieri Meticci” by Pietro Floridia, director of Cantieri Meticci + Q&A session

11.30 Break

11.45 Performing Arts and Urban Participation: the Experience of Stalker Teatro” by Stefano Bosco, project manager at Stalker Teatro + Q&A session

13.15 Final greetings. 



5th February 2021

OPEN-TO-ALL event 

Creative Europe 2021-2027: What’s Coming? 

10.00 Opening greetings by Daniele Vimini, President of Consorzio Marche Spettacolo

10.15 Introduction by the moderator Martina Paccova, Co-founder of Europe Welcome aps

10.30 “The New Orientations of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027” by Anna Conticello, Project Manager of Creative Europe Desk Italy – Cultural Office 

11.30 Final debate and conclusion, moderated by Martina Paccova

12.00 End open event


12.00-14.00 Lunch Break



Workshop Field A and Field B

14.00 Explanation Workshop, Division into 6 breakout groups

14.15 Discussion inside breakout groups within participants that chose the same topic 

15.15 Break

15.30 Mediators report the results of each breakout group’s discussion 

16.30 Discussion and Feedback session

16.50 Closing. See you in the next Training Hotspot!



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